{lang zh}名人网: 2014新年民族音乐会《乐光琴色》1月11日晚在休斯敦浸会大学伯林厅奏响{/lang}{lang en}famehall.com:HCTMG 2014 New Year Concert {/lang}
{lang zh}世界名人网讯 中华民乐团2014新年民族音乐会《乐光琴色》1月11日晚在休斯敦浸会大学(Houston Baptist University)伯林厅(Belin Chapel)奏响。这是自休斯顿中华民乐团2008年成立以来所举办的第五届新年民族音乐会。{/lang}{lang en}
famehall.com:HCTMG presents 2014 New Year Concer Jan 11 2014 at Houston Baptist University Belin Chapel
{/lang} Read more: http://www.famehall.biz/jiali/20140112220102.shtml
{lang zh}美南新闻报道:休士顿中华民乐团【迷胡醉弦】音乐会精彩回顾(二){/lang}{lang en} MSouthern Daily News:: HCTMG and COCH’s 2013 Summer Concert (2)…{/lang}
{lang zh}名人网:休士顿中华民乐团第四屆新年音乐会梅报春晓{/lang}{lang en}famehall.com:HCTMG 2013 New Year Concert {/lang}
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金蛇舞蝶 丝吟竹韵《弦歌》 — 休士顿中华民乐团第四屆新年音乐会梅报春晓
世界名人网记者 陈毓玲报道: 成立于2008年的休士顿中华民乐团,于2013年1月12日星期六晚上7点,在位于7502 Fondren Rd. Houston TX 77074 的Houston Baptist University 的Belin Hall,热烈隆重地举行了第四屆新年音乐会。
演出前夕,剧场内外,已是人声鼎沸。前厅的茶艺表演,亮丽的礼仪小姐,又是一道道风景。演出正点开始,华贵典雅的圆形音乐厅里, 密密麻麻坐满了观众,是名副其实的座无虚席,而且周边还站满了观看的人们。如此盛况实乃少见。{/lang}{lang en}
famehall.com: 1/26/2013
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{lang zh}倍可亲:四眼报道 2014新年民族音乐会:休斯敦最吸引人的地方是:美女如云{/lang}{lang en}Backchina.com: HCTMG 2014 New Year Concert {/lang}
{lang zh}倍可亲:四眼报道 2014新年民族音乐会:休斯敦最吸引人的地方是:美女如云{/lang}{lang en}Backchina.com: HCTMG 2014 New Year Concert {/lang}
read more: http://www.backchina.com/blog/268649/article-193770.html#.UtTAq55dV8F
{lang zh}Culture Map :《天弦》音乐会新闻发布{/lang}{lang en}Culture Map: HCTMG presents “Heaven’s Melody”{/lang}
{lang zh}CulterMap Houston 网站近日发布: 休士顿民乐团将呈献《天弦》音乐会{/lang}
{lang en}CulterMap Houston recently posted HCTMG’s Spring Concert Heaven’s Medoly on its Event Calendar{/lang}
“Heaven’s Melody: Celebration of Buddhist Culture” presents the essence of Buddhist culture by playing famous hymns that enable listeners to explore deep feelings. Musical pieces like Precepts Concentration and Wisdom In Incense, Purifying Body of Budda and Temple’s Bell Soundhave been played for thousands of years and were recently arranged by famous modern composers including Wenjin Liu and Fuquan Zhang. Characterized by being soft, but not weak; pure, but not dry; still, but not sluggish; these tunes are said to be able to purify listeners’ minds.
In addition to Buddhist music, the concert encapsulates the finest Chinese folk music including Here Comes Spring, Never-ending Swirling Dance andSpring River. Some works describe the fieriest ethnic dances while others depict translucent rivers and beautiful country scenes.
The concert consists of solos, concertos and ensembles performed by 30 traditional Chinese instruments including guzheng, pipa, erhu and dizi — the Chinese versions of zither, lute, violin and flute, respectively — as well as western instruments like cello and piano.
Houston Chinese Traditional Music Group’s director, Xin Zhang, used to play in China’s army band and was also a music critic. Yang Wang, a Houston journalist and the group’s guzheng soloist, will be the master of ceremony.
{lang zh}世界名人网刊登《嘆仙律神韻 尋夢幻人文》{/lang}{lang en}Famehall:About Heaven’s Melody Concert, words from Artistic Director Zhang{/lang}
{lang zh}世界名人网 5月15日刊发了艺术总监张新先生的文章《嘆仙律神韻 尋夢幻人文》介绍即将本民乐团即将献出的一佛教文化音乐为主题的《天弦》春季音乐会。{/lang}
{lang en}May 15, 2012, FameHall.biz published a new article by Mr. Zhang Xin, HCTMG’s Artistic Director , titled “Melodies from Heaven, Dreams on Earth“, introducing the upcoming Heaven’s Melogy Concert presented by HCTMG and Jade Budha Temple{/lang}