YangWang thumb {lang zh} 演奏古筝

  記者,古箏獨奏演員,晚會宣傳策劃及主持人。現任《休斯敦紀事報》新聞調查組記者,已發表關於美國社會問題報導數篇。 2009年畢業於美國密蘇里新聞學院廣播電視專業,獲文學碩士。本科就讀於北京大學中國語言文學系,其間興趣集中於對中國古典詩歌與音樂的探究。 9歲習箏開始其對音樂的追求,高中時獲得中央音樂學院九級證書。


{lang en}Plays Guzheng

Yang Wang, is a journalist by day and Guzheng soloist by night and weekend. She obtained a Master’s degree in broadcast journalism from University of Missouri and has reported on substandard housing, poverty, public safety and other social issues for the Houston Chronicle. Wang studied the intricate relationship between Chinese ancient poems and muisc during her bachelor’s study in the Department of Chinese literature & Linguistics of Beijing University. Yang’s music quest started at the age of nine when she began learning Guzheng. She was certified as a top-class player by the China Central Conservatory of Music at the age of 18 and has performed in numerous occasions in China and Houston.

