{lang zh} 休士顿纪事报 5月19日报纸刊登消息介绍将于本周六下午7:00 在玉佛寺举行举行的《天弦》音乐会 {/lang} {lang en} Houston Chronicle May 17th newspaper publishes a news article announcing  the upcomnig  HCTMG Concert Heaven’s Melody at Jade Buddha Temple this Saturday 7:00 PM {/lang}

A group of Chinese musicians in Houston will perform thousand-year-old Buddhist hymns and Chinese folk tunes this weekend at the Jade Buddha Temple, located in the Chinatown area of Alief.

“Heaven’s Melody: A Celebration of Buddhist Culture,” the spring concert for the Houston Chinese Traditional Music Group, serves as both entertainment and spirituality, as the music aims to help listeners purify their minds, along with the teachings of Buddhism. Their sound combines a Chinese-style bell, drum, flute, violin, lute and zither with western cello and piano.

