{lang zh}許瑞慶{/lang}{lang en}Swee Koh{/lang}

SweeKoh thumb{lang en}

Plays Erhu

Swee Koh was born in Malaysia.  Music has always been his passion since his young age and he started to learn the Erhu in the middle school. He has won many major awards from Malaysia nationwide competition, both in group and individual, including the Erhu champion in 1991.  Swee moved to the US in 1993 to obtain his engineering degree.  During that period, he was invited to lecture and perform in various universities, schools and other cultural events in various states and cities.  His performance is characterized by vigorous and mastery, emotions and beautiful.  In the past decades he has been very active in Houston and mostly performs for cultural and charity concerts and events.


{lang zh}

Swee Koh was born in Malaysia.  Music has always been his passion since his young age and he started to learn the Erhu in the middle school. He has won many major awards from Malaysia nationwide competition, both in group and individual, including the Erhu champion in 1991.  Swee moved to the US in 1993 to obtain his engineering degree.  During that period, he was invited to lecture and perform in various universities, schools and other cultural events in various states and cities.  His performance is characterized by vigorous and mastery, emotions and beautiful.  In the past decades he has been very active in Houston and mostly performs for cultural and charity concerts and events.


{lang zh}顧潔娜{/lang}{lang en}Jiena Gu{/lang}

JienaGu{lang en}

Plays Piano

Jiena Gu, At the age of 12, she tested into The Middle School of Shanghai Conservatory where she majored in piano and composition. Upon graduation, she took her talents to the U.S. to study piano and composition at Oberlin Conservatory. She completed her studies at The Shepherd School of Music at Rice University and earned a masters degree. During her schooling in the U.S., Ms. Gu has gained rave reviews for her performances in Iowa, Ohio, and Texas. In addition, she has also won numerous contests for her original composition and ensemble pieces. Most recently, she has written accompaniments for Houston’s Chinese Student Association and Hua Xia Chinese School’s school song. She is currently a member of Houston Music Teachers Association (HMTA), Music Teacher National Association (MTNA) and American College of Musicians USA (Piano Guild)..


{lang zh}

Plays Piano

Jiena Gu, At the age of 12, she tested into The Middle School of Shanghai Conservatory where she majored in piano and composition. Upon graduation, she took her talents to the U.S. to study piano and composition at Oberlin Conservatory. She completed her studies at The Shepherd School of Music at Rice University and earned a masters degree. During her schooling in the U.S., Ms. Gu has gained rave reviews for her performances in Iowa, Ohio, and Texas. In addition, she has also won numerous contests for her original composition and ensemble pieces. Most recently, she has written accompaniments for Houston’s Chinese Student Association and Hua Xia Chinese School’s school song. She is currently a member of Houston Music Teachers Association (HMTA), Music Teacher National Association (MTNA) and American College of Musicians USA (Piano Guild).


{lang zh}楊萬青{/lang}{lang en}Wan Yang{/lang}

WanYang thumb {lang en}

Plays Hulusi, bawu, accordion, riam. erhu, etc. 

Dr. Wan Yang, used to be a scientist, who got his Master Degree in Arizona State University and PhD in the University of Vermont, major in Molecular Biology, currently is an Executive Vice Chairman of a big financial firm. Dr. Yang started learning music during his teenager, he joined a music band at middle school and had access to many kinds of musical instruments. He can play Accordion, Erhu, Bamboo Flute, Xiao, Hulusi, Bawu, Ruan, and Trumpet etc. He has been taking Accordion lessens with Mr. Mario Pedone, a world famous accordionist. He, with three other music fans (Jiahua Yang, Lei Xin and Zhuoxi Peng), found the “Houston Chinese Traditional Music Group” about four years ago, and has been the President since then. He has participated many formal performances and played various instruments for different societies, corporations and Senior Citizens.


{lang zh}

Plays Hulusi, bawu, accordion, riam. erhu, etc. 

Dr. Wan Yang, used to be a scientist, who got his Master Degree in Arizona State University and PhD in the University of Vermont, major in Molecular Biology, currently is an Executive Vice Chairman of a big financial firm. Dr. Yang started learning music during his teenager, he joined a music band at middle school and had access to many kinds of musical instruments. He can play Accordion, Erhu, Bamboo Flute, Xiao, Hulusi, Bawu, Ruan, and Trumpet etc. He has been taking Accordion lessens with Mr. Mario Pedone, a world famous accordionist. He, with three other music fans (Jiahua Yang, Lei Xin and Zhuoxi Peng), found the “Houston Chinese Traditional Music Group” about four years ago, and has been the President since then. He has participated many formal performances and played various instruments for different societies, corporations and Senior Citizens.


{lang zh}李小葉{/lang}{lang en}Xiaoye Li{/lang}

XiaoyeLi thum {lang zh}演奏古筝

現就讀於休斯頓大學酒店管理學院,9歲開始習箏, 12歲師從著名古箏演奏家沙裡晶學習古箏,達到九級水平,於2001參加深圳芳吟少兒彈撥樂團,赴駐港部隊深圳基地慰問演出,於2002年參加芳吟杯古箏大賽獲少兒組二等獎,2003年參加芳吟彈撥樂團專場音樂會,大學期間,曾多次參加校園文化節,音樂會及各種大型演出。2010年加入休斯頓中華民樂團,參加了2011年, 2012年民樂團新春音樂會,歷屆音樂沙龍,路易斯安那州州立大學音樂會,民樂團夏季室內音樂會等。


{lang en} Guzheng Player

Xiaoye Li is now a graduate student in the Conrad N. Hilton College of the University of Houston. She started playing Guzheng at the age of nine. Learning from the renowned Guzheng artists, Xu Yao and Lijing Sha, she has got the official certificate of the ninth level in Guzheng. Xiaoye joined the Fang Yin Children’s Musical Group in 2001 and got the Silver Award at the Fan Yin’s Cup Guzheng Competition in 2002. She also participated in the monthly music salon and concerts in Shenzhen Art School and had gained a lot of recognition and applause from the audience. Xiaoye joined the Houston Traditional Chinese Music Group in 2010 and has performed in the Chinese New Year’s Concert in 2011 and 2012. She also participated in the concert in Louisiana State University in June, 2011 and the Chamber Music Summer Concert in Aug, 2011. Throughout the year of 2011, she also performed in music salons held by the Houston Chinese Traditional Music Group in the Oriental Art Center in Houston.


{lang zh}王竹夕{/lang}{lang en}Jodie Wang{/lang}

ZhuxiWang thumb {lang zh} 演奏琵琶

王竹夕,1987年出生於北京。中國民族管弦樂學會琵琶專業委員會會員,現為美國休斯頓中華民樂團琵琶聲部首席。 7歲開始學習琵琶,11歲通過中央音樂學院考級9級(最高級),曾多次在國內外音樂比賽中獲得大獎。自14歲起,先後出訪德國、法國、荷蘭、比利時、奧地利、日本、香港、台灣和澳門等國家及地區進行交流巡演。 2005年在北京大學全國藝術特長生冬令營中脫穎而出,成為當年幾百名考生中唯一被錄取進入北京大學民樂團的琵琶考生。在2005-2009年間,擔任北京大學民樂團琵琶聲部首席,籌備並演出《東西南北風》《樂映風華》《燕園感懷》等專場民族音樂會;曾受邀錄製中央電視台著名國樂欄目《風華國樂》;曾參演數十場大型文藝演出,包括2005年在人民大會堂舉行的北京論壇開幕式, 中美關係圓桌會議,北京大學建校110週年慶典晚會,2008奧運場館落成慶典儀式等;曾多次在重要外事活動中承擔演出任務,接待過的外賓及各界精英包括諾貝爾獎得主李政道,泰國公主施琳通,著名企業家李嘉誠,華誼集團總裁王中磊等。 2007年,她演奏的琵琶曲《訴-讀唐詩琵琶行有感》被收錄入北京大學民樂團傾力錄製的音樂專輯《后土》,是該專輯中收錄的唯一一首個人獨奏曲目。{/lang}

{lang en} Plays Pipa

Miss Zhuxi (Jodie) Wang, was born in 1987 in Beijing, China. Her earliest interest in the instrument pipa was inspired at age 7 by a Chinese ancient poetry describing the elegant and meditative sound of pipa. Since the age of 14, she has toured Germany, France, Holland, Belgium, Austria, Japan, Hong Kong, Taiwan, and Macau as a soloist or the principle performer with multiple orchestras to spread Chinese music throughout the world. In 2005, she was accepted into the Folk Orchestra of China’s most prestigious university, Peking University, as the only pipa player winning the stringent auditions in that year competing with hundreds of participants from across the country. She has been the principal pipa of the Folk Orchestra of Peking University ever since, until she graduated in 2009. Her solo melody “Story: inspired by the Tang Dynasty Poem Pipa” was included in the studio album, Hou Tu, released by the Folk Orchestra of Peking University as the only selected solo piece. Before moving to the United States in 2009, she has performed in many diplomatic occasions for foreign political leaders, royal family members, as well as top-notch scholars visiting China from all over the world. She has won numerous awards in both national and international music competitions throughout her early musical career. Her talent was also showcased in music series on China’s most popular TV channels (e.g., CCTV, BJTV, etc.) and in television shows. {/lang}

{lang zh}自從2011年2月加入休斯頓中華民樂團,王竹夕以獨奏、重奏、合奏等多種形式參加了美南地區的各類演出活動,包括2011《竹韻弦歌》夏季室內樂民族音樂會,2012新春民族音樂會,合唱《紅樓夢》組曲音樂會,《東方印象》文藝晚會,紀念辛亥革命一百週年大型綜藝晚會等。她的音樂風格清雅婉約,玲瓏脫俗,尤以情感細膩,富藝術感染力見長。在她舞動的手指下,彈跳出清澈空靈的音符,洋溢著青春的活力又充滿古老而美麗的憂傷。 Houston CultureMap 著名樂評人Joel Luks評論她的音樂時寫道:“從像精緻瓷器一樣的輕靈剔透轉變為對情感陰暗面更為熱烈的展現- 憤懣、悲痛、嘆息- 琵琶這件古老的樂器在其文化內涵外,被賦予了更深層次的共鳴”。除了積極投身於音樂事業的發展外,王竹夕同時正就讀於休斯頓大學工業組織心理學系攻讀博士學位。


{lang en}
Zhuxi Wang is a member of China Nationalities Orchestra Society (CNOS), and serves on the board of professional association of pipa virtuosos affiliated under CNOS. She is currently the principal Pipa of Houston Chinese Traditional Music Orchestra. Since joining the group as one of the youngest artists in 2011, she has appeared extensively in the Houston area as a promising pipa performer with a career spans solo, chamber and orchestral appearances. Her music is notable for its inspiring lyricism and emotional contagiousness. Houston CulturalMap commented Zhuxi Wang’s playing as “from porcelain-like clarity to passionate displays of darker emotions – anger, sorrow and grief – the pipa was given a voice that transcended its cultural context”. While dedicatedly devoted to her music career, she is also currently in pursuit of her doctoral degree (Ph.D.) in Industrial and Organizational Psychology at the University of Houston.


{lang zh}閆亦修{/lang}{lang en}Yixiu Yan{/lang}

YixiuYan thumb {lang zh}演奏竹笛,巴乌,簫等

  系中國竹笛專業委員會會員。曾為張立忠民族管樂工作室竹笛教師,兼任大連機場前小學、新華小學、大連海浪模特藝術學校竹笛教師。閆亦修8歲起師從於著名民族管樂演奏、教育家,中國竹笛專業委員會常務理事,遼寧省笛簫學會會長張立忠先生學習竹笛、巴烏、葫蘆絲、塤、蕭、排簫等管樂。 2000年春,在張立忠老師的推薦下,拜中國音樂學院笛子大師張維良為師。 2003年1月,參加全國青少年,獲民族管樂獨奏一等獎;2006年10月,獲得第86屆《桃李芬芳》全國青少年民樂觀摩音樂會民族管樂一等獎,等等。閆亦修多次受邀參加電視台的青少年欄目、文藝綜合欄目演出,經常參加政府、中外交流、報社及各種大型慶典的演出,積累了豐富的演出經驗。她曾受邀在北京人民大會堂表演獨奏;來美之後,多次受邀參加領館以及社會各社團的演出活動。在2010年8月,閆亦修成功在達拉斯舉辦了個人竹笛獨奏音樂會,廣受好評。


{lang en} Plays bamboo flute, Bawu, Xiao, etc 

Yixiu Yan is the member of Chinese Bamboo Flute Professional Committee and former Chinese flute teacher in many orchestral music studios and schools in Dalian, China. She studied the Chinese flute from Lizhong Zhang and Weiliang Zhang since she was 8 years old. Ms. Yan possesses tremendous experiences in playing Chinese flute, Xiao, Bawu, Xun, etc. She performed in many significant events showing her great versatility and mastery of those Chinese pipe instruments. Ms. Yan got the 1st prize of solo on the competition of China’s pipe musical instruments playing in Jan. 2003; she gained the 1st prize on the 86th competition of national teenagers’ Chinese musical instruments playing in Oct. 2006;  in July 2001, Ms. Yan played a Chinese flute solo at china great hall of the people; in April 27, 2010, she was invited to perform a solo the Consulate General of the People’s Republic of China, Houston; in Aug. 2010, she was invited to perform Chinese traditional music in solo concert in Dallas.


{lang zh}張淑娟{/lang}{lang en}Amanda Cheung{/lang}

AmandaCheung thumb {lang zh}演奏古筝,琵琶和大提琴

 张淑娟学习古筝已有7年,琵琶3年,大提琴5年。她目前是Klein高中第一年的学生,是该校乐团的大提琴手。2009和2011年,张淑娟曾在所在学区的solo and ensemble contest中作为大提琴手获得excellent and outstanding player award。同年作为HYCA的成员参加古筝独奏和合奏而得奖。她参加休士顿华夏民乐团已有三年。


{lang en} Plays Gucheng,Pipa, Cello, etc

Amanda has been playing the guzheng for 7 years, the pipa for 3 years, and also the cello for 5 years. She is currently attending Klein High school as a freshman and also as a cellist in the school orchestra. In the year 2009 and 2011 Amanda won the excellent and outstanding player award in her school district solo and ensemble contest, also in those same years she was awarded as a member of HYAC in playing the guzheng for solo and ensemble. Out of school, she has been a member of HCTMG  for 3 years..


{lang zh}王洋{/lang}{lang en}Yang Wang{/lang}

YangWang thumb {lang zh} 演奏古筝

  記者,古箏獨奏演員,晚會宣傳策劃及主持人。現任《休斯敦紀事報》新聞調查組記者,已發表關於美國社會問題報導數篇。 2009年畢業於美國密蘇里新聞學院廣播電視專業,獲文學碩士。本科就讀於北京大學中國語言文學系,其間興趣集中於對中國古典詩歌與音樂的探究。 9歲習箏開始其對音樂的追求,高中時獲得中央音樂學院九級證書。


{lang en}Plays Guzheng

Yang Wang, is a journalist by day and Guzheng soloist by night and weekend. She obtained a Master’s degree in broadcast journalism from University of Missouri and has reported on substandard housing, poverty, public safety and other social issues for the Houston Chronicle. Wang studied the intricate relationship between Chinese ancient poems and muisc during her bachelor’s study in the Department of Chinese literature & Linguistics of Beijing University. Yang’s music quest started at the age of nine when she began learning Guzheng. She was certified as a top-class player by the China Central Conservatory of Music at the age of 18 and has performed in numerous occasions in China and Houston.


{lang zh}酈澤泉{/lang}{lang en}Zequan Li{/lang}

ZeQuanLi thumb {lang zh} 演奏古筝

著名吹奏樂藝術家,從事音樂藝術50餘載。 9歲學習笛管,14入學天津戲劇學校,19歲進入天津京劇團。精於演奏笛簫、嗩吶,及彈撥樂、打擊樂等樂器。曾於20世紀70年代出訪美國,加拿大,日本等地巡迴演出,旅美後,為休斯頓的音樂舞台奉獻大量中國音樂精品的演奏,廣受好評。


{lang en}Plays Bamboo Flute, Suona, etc

Zequan Li, a well-known Chinese woodwind musician, has dedicated himself to music performance for over 50 years. He started learning Chinese flute at the age of nine, continued his music study at Tianjin School of Opera at 14 and served in Peking Opera Orchestra at 19. Zequan is well versed in Dizi, Xiao, suona and also some string and percussion instruments. He performed in America, Canada and Japan back as early as 1970s. After moving to America, he contributed significantly to Houston’s music society with numerous widely-praised Chinese classic music performances.


{lang zh}狄子枫{/lang}{lang en}Francine Di{/lang}

FranciDi thum {lang zh} 演奏钢琴

狄子枫12岁开始学习钢琴,师从吴长鏴老师。很快考入休士顿表演视觉艺术高中。在莱斯大学获得音乐学士和英语学士学位后,她又考入佛罗里达州立大学深造,获音乐硕士。 狄子枫是全美钢琴教师协会的会员,莱斯大学的爵士乐队Jacaré Brazil的乐手,也是HCTMG的成员。


{lang en}Plays Piano

Francine began formal piano studies at age 12 with Changlu Wu and soon entered the High School for the Performing and Visual Arts. After receiving a BM and a BA in English from Rice University, she earned her MM from the University of Florida and joined the National Guild of Piano Teachers. Francine is a member of the Rice Jazz Band, Jacaré Brazil and HCTMG; placed within the top three finalists at the Hua Xia Cup Karaoke Contest, the Chinese International New Singing Talent Championship and the Houston Amateur Singing Competition; and has performed for Voices Breaking Boundaries and the OCA National Convention. A former Miss Chinatown Houston, Francine has also authored an essay published in Asian American X by the University of Michigan Press..
