{lang zh} 薛雪{/lang}{lang en}Amelia Xue{/lang}

AmeliaXue thumb {lang zh} 演奏琵琶




{lang en}Plays Pipa

Amelia Xue is an accomplished pipa instrument player with interests in teaching, performing and traditional Chinese music appreciation. Born in Shandong, China, Amelia started playing pipa at the age of twelve and studied extensively under pipa masters at the Shandong Arts University. She went on to compete individually and in ensemble at state and national levels, finishing in the top ranks at every event. In addition, Amelia helped create and performed in a widely popular band named Shining Girls whose performances were broadcast nation-wide on China Central Television (CCTV).
In her work, Amelia often uses contemporary sensibilities combined with strong traditional techniques. She now passes her knowledge by teaching in schools and tutoring other aspiring musicians. Amelia continues to explore new ways to share her appreciation for traditional Chinese music. She lives in Houston, Taxes with her family.


{lang zh} 秦川{/lang}{lang en}Chuan Qin{/lang}

ChuanQin thumb {lang zh} 演奏二胡

  秦川, 管理学与金融学双硕士,中国音乐家协会二胡学会会员。现为休斯顿中华民乐团二胡声部首席及独奏演员。7岁开始学习二胡,13岁获得中国音乐家协会考级十级。自从学琴以来,多次获得省级及国家级比赛大奖。


来美之后,秦川活跃在国际的舞台上,于2013年初加入休斯顿中华民乐团。参与演出了2013年《醉胡迷弦》夏季音乐会,2014年新春民族音乐会,2015年新春综艺晚会等。她的独奏《二泉印月》《秦腔主题随想曲》,重奏《一帘幽梦》《欢乐歌》,合奏《新赛马》《红楼梦》组曲等深受众多观众喜爱。除音乐会之外,她多次被邀请在北美多个城市演出。每到一处都反响热烈。她的琴声时而低沉,时而高亢,时而婉转,时而悲戚,惟妙惟肖地展现了中国古老乐器的美妙与情愫。2015年4月,她入选为“TED talk”演讲者,讲述她的乐器及音乐故事。2015年5月,她将在加州大学的赞助下举办个人独奏音乐会。


{lang en}Plays Erhu

Chuan Qin, holding the dual master’s degrees of Management and Finance, is the member of Chinese Musicians Association. Currently, she is the first-chair erhu as well as the soloist of Houston Chinese Traditional Music Group. Started learning erhu at the age of seven, Chuan obtained the certificate of grade-ten of erhu from Chinese Musicians Association when she was thirteen years old. Since then, she gained many awards of province-wide and nation-wide competitions.

In 2007, with the outstanding academic and erhu grades, Chuan got admitted to Huazhong University of Science and Technology China, majoring in Financial Management. At the same time, she became the first-chair erhu of College Student Art Group in the university. During the period of being first-chair, she attended dozens of well-known performances. In 2008, she represented her school in “National University Student Art Festal” and won the first place.      After coming to the United States, Chuan is still active in the erhu presentation and performance.  She became the first-chair of Houston Chinese Traditional Music Group in 2013 and joined several concerts. Besides the concerts, she was invited to perform in different cities and countries. In April 2015, as a TED talker, Chuan is going to give a public lecture of her instrument and her music career. One month after that, in May 2015, she is going to have her individual concert sponsoring by the University of California.  


{lang zh}乐手简介{/lang}{lang en}Meet The Musicians{/lang}

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{lang zh}《天弦》音乐作品简介{/lang}{lang en}Notes on Pieces{/lang}

{lang zh}

器樂合奏:①戒定真香 ②好一朵茉莉花



{lang en}

HCTMG Orchestra

Precepts, Concentration and Wisdom in Incense: Impermanence, non-self, emptiness and pure state of mind mark Buddhist Zen wisdom and spiritual demeanor. The song was arranged by Mr. Fuquan Zhang, a Chinese Buddhist and court composer. The polyphonic texture describes the ethos of Chinese Buddhism’s transcendent attributes, its deep concern for mankind, and its exaltation of harmony with nature. Zhong (bell), Qing (chime), Naobo (cymbals) and other instruments combine to create a solemn atmosphere, which spontaneously warm and brighten the audience’s heart like sunlight from the ten directions, and people’s bodies, hearts, and minds attain a state of completeness and peace.


{lang zh}








古筝与箫:①禪院鐘聲 ②大悲咒


女聲獨唱:①貴妃賞月 ②梨花頌












器樂合奏:①清淨法身佛 ②胡舞亂旋



{/lang}{lang en}

Jasmine Flower, adapted from a Jiangsu folk song, expresses the delicate emotion between men and women. This song has already become a “business card” of China to the world.

Gozheng Solo

A Moonlit Night on the Vernal River: The title of this piece was inspired by the poem of the same name by Tang Dynasty poet Ruoxu Zhang. He describes a beautiful moonlit scene and meditates on the transience of human existence, loss and separation. Both the original poem, considered one of the most perfect poems of the Tang Dynasty, and the melody, are very famous throughout China. The piece paints a tranquil scene of a river on a moonlit night in spring, reminiscent of the countryside south of the Yangtze River.


Erhu Duet

Slow Three-Six: The Jiangnan musical tradition, named for the silk and bamboo of its string and wind instruments, originated in the region south of the Yangtze River. At the core of the repertoire are the Eight Great Pieces based on old melodies, such as “Old Six Beats,” which are ornamented to create new pieces like “Slow Three-Six.” It is easy to hear the influence of the passing clouds and flowing water of the landscape.


Flute Solo

Autumn Recollection tells the grief and loneliness of heroine Zhaojun Wang, who left her hometown behind for a marriage thousands of miles away. Wang, famed as one of the Four Beauties of ancient China, lived the story of a “political bride;” she was sent by Emperor Yuan to marry the ethnic minority leader north of China in order to establish friendly relations. This Dizi solo sings out the endless desolation and loneliness of the desert on Wang’s way to the north.

Guzheng-Xiao Duet

The Sound of Temple Bells: The popularity of this Guangdong folk piece has endured since the 1940s. Bells have a special significance for Buddhists everywhere. They are rung for the beauty of their tone and to celebrate special ceremonies throughout the year. Within the echoing melody, one feels the peace of the temple, tucked away from the chaotic world beyond.

The Great Compassion Mantra: Mantras are recited to invoke the gods, and the Great Compassion Mantra is synonymous with the goddess Guanyin. The mantra is often recited for protection, to cleanse the mind and to purify the soul. It is said that some select few, upon hearing this music from heaven while meditating, transcribed the notes for the rest of us. For those who recite and uphold the phrases of the Great Compassion Mantra, all the Buddhas from the ten directions will come to lead them to rebirth in whatever Nirvana they wish.


Selected Peking Opera Pieces

Enjoying the Moon and Pear Flower Appreciation, selected segments from the Peking Opera “Imperial Consort of Tang Dynasty,” describe the life of Imperial Consort Yang. Beautiful and talented, Yang was loved by the emperor of the Tang Dynasty. His indulgence distracted him from state affairs and led to the dynasty’s eventual decline from prosperity. Yang would pay with her life. Soprano Xiaomei Yu, regarded as the golden throat of the southern U.S., displays her solid vocal color in this performance.


Gaohu Guzheng Trio

Spring has Come: Composed by Yusheng Lei in 1956, this song won the gold medal in the folk music competition of the Sixth World Youth Festival the following year. Its melody is based on the Fujian folk song, “Tea-picking,” and this version pays full homage to the cheerful mood of the original song. Various voices, melodic development techniques, clever orchestration and complex harmonies paint a vivid image of the gurgling spring, flowers, and the people’s joy in the spring sunshine.

Pipa Solo

New Variation of Tang Dynasty Liuyao Dance: This Pipa solo was arranged according to an ancient poem, “Liuyao,” that describes lissome dancers gracefully performing in the imperial court. The composer adopted the traditional Chinese music scale and the characteristics of Gagaku, meaning “elegant music.” After the rubato at the beginning, the dancing rhythm starts slowly and climaxes to a fiery state, creating the image of lyrical dancing performances in the ancient court. This musical composition has won numerous awards in Asia.


Erhu-Cello-Flute Ensemble

Fantasy Behind a Pearl Curtain is an ensemble of erhu, cello and flute, adapted from a Chinese pop song of the same name, and constitutes a dialogue between a two-stringed and a four-stringed instrument. Accompanied occasionally by bamboo flute, they create sounds of nature, like drizzling rain, scents of orchids and an ephemeral glow that give the audience an unforgettable spiritual experience.

Bawu Solo

Fishing Song, arranged from folk songs of ethnic groups from southwest China, vividly describes the locals’ excitement for their fishing life.

Erhu Solo

Fire: The Girl Wearing a Colorful Coat pays a tribute to fire, a symbol of unconquerable human sprit and the power of illumination. The vivacious rhythm can be interpreted as deep thoughts generated while meditating by a bonfire, or as a tribute to the might of the illumination that produced human civilization.
This piece, selected from an eight-episode divertimento The Flame of Seeds, explains Buddhism’s cognition about the universe, constituted by earth, water, fire, wind, air, sight, and consciousness. All seven factors interact to compose the normalized truth Tathagatagarbha (Buddha nature) and the lofty realm of “truth and beauty.” The composer, Wenjin Liu, was inspired by an award-winning novel, which fused together the language of poetry and prose to describe a beautiful and moving story.

HCTMG Orchestra

The Pure Dharmakaya Buddha: With a distinctive personality and artistic appeal, this piece features a number of characteristics common to Buddhist music. It translates an idea into a narrative musical expression, conveying the character and ethos of the Chinese Buddhist culture. The way of the Dharma teaches that we may, by our own effort, do away with ignorance and delusion, and by so doing we will become enlightened both within and without, and our true nature within our Essence of Mind will manifest itself.

Never-ending Whirling Dance: The whirling dances, seen on the wall paintings in the remote Dunhuang Caves, have been described by the famous Tang Dynasty poet Juyi Bai:

Wild whirling girls, wild whirling girls—
Their hearts answer to the strings,
Their hands answer to the drums.
At the sound of
the strings and drums, they raise their arms,

Like swirling snowflakes tossed about, they turn in their twirling dance,
Whirling to the left, turning to the right, they never feel exhausted,
A thousand rounds, ten thousand circuits—it never seems to end.



{lang zh}Culture Map :《天弦》音乐会新闻发布{/lang}{lang en}Culture Map: HCTMG presents “Heaven’s Melody”{/lang}

{lang zh}CulterMap Houston 网站近日发布: 休士顿民乐团将呈献《天弦》音乐会{/lang}

{lang en}CulterMap Houston recently posted HCTMG’s Spring Concert Heaven’s Medoly on its Event Calendar{/lang}

“Heaven’s Melody: Celebration of Buddhist Culture” presents the essence of Buddhist culture by playing famous hymns that enable listeners to explore deep feelings. Musical pieces like Precepts Concentration and Wisdom In IncensePurifying Body of Budda and Temple’s Bell Soundhave been played for thousands of years and were recently arranged by famous modern composers including Wenjin Liu and Fuquan Zhang. Characterized by being soft, but not weak; pure, but not dry; still, but not sluggish; these tunes are said to be able to purify listeners’ minds.

In addition to Buddhist music, the concert encapsulates the finest Chinese folk music including Here Comes Spring, Never-ending Swirling Dance andSpring River. Some works describe the fieriest ethnic dances while others depict translucent rivers and beautiful country scenes.

The concert consists of solos, concertos and ensembles performed by 30 traditional Chinese instruments including guzheng, pipa, erhu and dizi — the Chinese versions of zither, lute, violin and flute, respectively — as well as western instruments like cello and piano.

Houston Chinese Traditional Music Group’s director, Xin Zhang, used to play in China’s army band and was also a music critic. Yang Wang, a Houston journalist and the group’s guzheng soloist, will be the master of ceremony.

 20120512 cultuermap-heavensmelody


{lang en}

Sorry, the English version of this article is yet to be published. 

Please come back later.


{lang zh} 

1,开幕曲:器樂合奏:①戒定真香                                          張福全     (7.00)

                                    好一朵茉莉花                                  朱昌耀     (6.00)

                                             二胡獨奏:許瑞慶     中華民樂團演奏    指揮:張新


2古箏獨奏:春江花月夜                                                   · 张若虚     (8.30)



{lang en}



3,二胡重奏:慢三六                                                                沈鳳泉     (7.00)



4笛子獨奏:妝台秋思                                                                               (6.30)


5古筝与箫:①禪院鐘聲                                                          崔蔚林     (6.30)



6,女聲獨唱:①貴妃賞月   梨花頌                                  楊乃林     (5.00/5.00)

    中華民樂團伴奏    指揮:張新


7鋼琴獨奏《陽關三叠》                                                          黎英海      (5.00)


8,琵琶獨奏:新翻羽調綠腰                                                      楊潔明     (9.00)


9一簾幽夢                                                                                                  (4.00)

                               二胡:許瑞慶   大提琴:張淑娟    古箏:李小葉   笛子:閆亦修

10巴烏獨奏:漁歌                                                                    严铁民     (5.00)

                                  獨奏:楊萬青   伴奏:張淑娟   王竹夕   宫蔚   張新    酈澤泉


11,二胡獨奏:火——彩衣姑娘                                                劉文金     (7.30)

                                                                                   二胡:張新    鋼琴:狄子楓


12,闭幕曲:器樂合奏:①清淨法身佛                                       張福全     (6.00)

                                      胡舞亂旋                         鮑比達       張新編配  (6.00)  

                                                                                   中華民樂團演奏    指揮:張新




{lang zh}《天弦》音樂會新聞發布會举行{/lang}{lang en}HCTMG Press Conference: Announcing Heaven’s Melody Concert{/lang}

{lang zh} 世界名人网4月14日讯: 由休斯頓中華民樂團主辦,德州佛教會玉佛寺,休斯頓國劇社協辦的2012春季大型民族音樂會,將於5月19日隆重推出。為配合這場公演和對社會各界的宣傳,中華民樂團與玉佛寺於4月14日午後兩點,在玉佛寺舉辦《天弦》音樂會新聞發布會。世界名人网总编辑王福生和美南电视主播胡畅等與會共襄盛舉。{/lang}

{lang en}famehall.biz(14 April): Houston Chinese Traditional Music Group (HCTMG) will present a 2012 Spring Concert, themed Heaven’s Melody – celebration of Buddhist Culture, cosponsored by Texas Budhist Association / Jade Buddha Temple and Chinese Opera Club of Houston (COCH). This cultural event is accounced on 14 April afternonn in a press conference held by HCTMG at Jade Buddha Temple, FameHall’s editor in chief, Mr. Fusheng Wang and iTV Houston’s anchor Ms. Chang Hu are among the news media personnel attending the conference.{/lang}




Houston Chinese Traditional Music Group



6969 Westbranch Dr.
Houston, TX



Section 1.        This Organization shall be known as Houston Chinese Traditional Music Group hereinafter referred to as the HCTMG. The HCTMG shall function in accordance with the terms of the By-Laws of the Houston Chinese Traditional Music Group.
Section 2.        The HCTMG shall be incorporated as a non-profit, non-political organization, under the laws of the state of Texas, regulations and common ethics. Technical discussions, if any, shall not involve any secret or confidential information pertaining any other organization or individual.

Section 1.        The objective of the HCTMG is to provide Chinese musical appreciation opportunity to the communities and public. The HCTMG is to offer the Chinese Music Concert and performance to people who would like to enjoy Chinese music; to offer the Chinese Traditional Music Instruments classes to people who are interested in the Chinese instruments.
Section 2.        The other objective of the HCTMG is to promote the multicultural awareness and understand and esteem of the common heritage shared by the members, to encourage the spirit of unity and cooperation, to enhance individual professional skills and technical competence of the members.
Section 1.        The participation in the Houston Chinese Traditional Music Group is open to the public without regard to race, color, gender, gender identity, sexual orientation, age, religion, national origin, status as a special disabled or Vietnam era veteran, or the presence of a disability.
Section 1.        Any individual, including professional, entrepreneur, businessperson, and college student who lives, works or studies in the greater Houston area may become a member of the organization after approval by the Executive Council.
Section 1.        The expenditure of funds received by the HCTMG shall be authorized by the Executive Council of the Organization.
Section 2.        All contributions to the HCTMG shall be deposited and maintained by this Organization in an account, or accounts in a national or state bank designated by the Executive Council.
Section 3.        Under no circumstance shall the Organization make loans or be in debts to support any Organization activities.
Section 4.        No individual shall solicit funds for the Organization from any other individual or organization without prior approval of the Executive Council.
Section 1.        The Organization is owned and managed by its Board of Directors. The Executive Council shall be the governing body of the Organization. It shall be subject to the provisions of these bylaws.
Section 2.        The Executive Council of the Organization shall consist of the President, Vice President, The Art Director, Secretary, Treasurer/CFO, and advisors. The Executive Officers of the Organization shall have responsibilities as described below:
A.    President: The President shall have the responsibility for all community activities of the Organization: (a) serve as Chairperson of Executive Council, (b) call all meetings and preside at all meetings of the HCTMG, (c) shall represent the Organization at all community activities, (d) represent the HCTMG to other organizations, and (e) perform such other duties as may be directed by the Executive Council.
B.     Vice President(a) report to President, (b) perform administrative operations of the HCTMG, (c) provide instruction/consulting to operation manager, (d) perform such other duties as may be directed by the President or Executive Council.
C.    CFO: (a) report to the President, (b) serve as the Chief of Financial Officer, making financial (budget) plans and control the expenses, (c) finalize the annually financial report and statement, (d) present annual financial statement to Executive Council, (e) prepare for the tax return (report) to IRS, (f) perform such other duties as may be directed by the President or Executive Council.
D.     Art Director(a) report to President(b) conduct daily activities of the HCTMG and assign the tasks, (c) plan for the annual concert, programs and any other performing activities, (d) coordinate with the Executive Council to develop and execute events and projects that will provide HCTMG with performing opportunities in community outreach efforts, and (e) perform such other duties as may be directed by the President or Executive Council.
E.     Community Officer: (a) report to President, (b) coordinate with other committees and execute events and meetings in support of interests of the membership of the HCTMG, (c) coordinate with the Executive Board to develop and execute events and projects that will provide HCTMG members with volunteer opportunities in community outreach efforts, (d) perform such other duties as may be directed by the President or Executive Council.
F.     Secretary of HCTMG: (a) report to President, (b) send e-mail announcement to public for HCTMG events, (c) keep minutes and records of every meeting of the Executive Council and general meetings, (d) maintain the files and records of the Organization, including a membership list, and (e) prepare for internal or external press releases, announcements, and reports related to HCTMG activities and events.
G.    Logistic Officer of HCTMG: (a) report to President, (b) provide logistic support to CEO, (c) plan and execute the logistic items, such as the food, drink, table setup, food distribution, clean up, and more, (d) perform such other duties as may be directed by the President or Executive Council.
Section 3.        In the event of an absence of the President, the Executive Council shall elect the Vice President to assume the remainder of the term. The Executive Council shall appoint members of the Organization to fill any other vacancies in the Council.
Section 4.        The members of the Executive Council shall attend official meetings called by the President. A member shall notify the President or the Secretary for excuse in case that he or she cannot attend an official meeting of the Executive Council. The Secretary shall notify the President of any three (3) consecutive, unexcused absence of a member from the official meetings of the Executive Council. Upon the notification, the President shall declare the member to be inactive and excluded from the quorum count of the Executive Council.
Section 1.        Meetings of the Executive Council of the Organization shall be called upon by the President of the Organization no less than six (6) times per year.
Section 2.        A meeting of the Executive Council shall be called by the President within two weeks upon a written request by a majority of the Executive Council.
Section 3.        There shall be at least two general membership meetings of the Organization in each calendar year to report the Executive Council work and present the plans for future.
Section 4.        Upon a written request from fifteen (15%) or more members of the Organization, the President shall call a special membership meeting within thirty (30) days to address the issues stated in the request.
Section 1.        Any member, who has joined the Organization for one (1) year or more and is of good standing, is eligible for election to be Officers and members of the branches and subcommittee of the Association.
Section 1.        The Executive Council shall establish special committees, including but not limited to, public relation, membership, technical, social, and services committees, to serve the community and public.
Section 2.        The Executive Council shall appoint the Council members to chair the branches and the special committees.
Section 1.        Proposals to amend the bylaws of the Organization may be made in writing by twenty percent (20%) or more Organization members to a membership meeting. Proposals to amend the bylaws may also be made in writing by a majority vote of the Executive Council. Proposals to amend the bylaws shall be sent to all members in writing by the Organization at least thirty (30) days prior to the membership voting on the proposals.
Section 2.        Bylaws and amendments thereto shall be subject to the approval of sixty percent (60%) vote of the members attending and proxy votes in a general or special or membership meeting.
Section 3.        The Organization may be dissolved by action of two-thirds of members of good standing on the membership directory or by action of eighty (80) percent of the Executive Council.
Section 4. HCTMG is organized exclusively for charitable, educational purposes, including for such purposes, the making of distributions to organizations that qualify as exempt organizations under 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code, or corresponding section of any future federal tax code.
Section 5. No part of the net earnings of HCTMG shall inure to the benefit of, or be distributable to its members, trustees, officers, or other private persons, except that HCTMG shall be authorized and empowered to pay reasonable compensation for services rendered and to make payments and distributions in furtherance of the purposes set forth in the purpose clause hereof. No substantial part of the activities of HCTMG shall be the carrying on of propaganda, or otherwise attempting to influence legislation, and HCTMG shall not participate in, or intervene in (including the publishing or distribution of statements) any political campaign on behalf of any candidate for public office. Notwithstanding any other provision of this document, HCTMG shall not carry on any other activities not permitted to be carried on (a) by an organization exempt from federal income tax under section 501 (c) (3) of the Internal Revenue Code, or corresponding section of any future federal tax code, or (b) by an organization, contributions to which are deductible under section 170 (c) (2) of the Internal Revenue Code, or corresponding section of any future federal tax code.
Section 6. Upon the dissolution of HCTMG, assets shall be distributed for one or more exempt purposes within the meaning of section 501 (c) (3) of the Internal Revenue Code, or corresponding section of any future federal tax code, or shall be distributed to the federal government, or to a state or local government, for a public purpose. Any such assets not disposed of shall be disposed of by the Court of Common Pleas of the county in which the principal office of HCTMG is then located, exclusively for such purposes or to such organization or organizations, as said Court shall determine, which are organized and operated exclusively for such purposes. 

{lang zh}Culture Map 报道2012新春音乐会{/lang}{lang en}Culture Map Reports HCTMG 2012 New Year Concert{/lang}

{lang zh}

CulterMap Houston  报道CHTMG龙年音乐会: Bamboo, animal skins & silk: Concert featuring traditional Chinese instruments ushers in Year of the Dragon

{/lang}{lang en}

CulterMap Houston: Bamboo, animal skins and silk: Concert featuring traditional Chinese instruments ushers in Year of the Dragon


20120122 cultermap-newyearconcert