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2024 新年民族音樂會

Houston Chinese Traditional Music Group
Christ Church Sugar Land
3300 Austin Pkwy, Sugar Land, TX 77479

Chinese Instrument Learning

String Instruments

Erhu Teacher: Xu Ziqian Phone: 832-888-0801 Email:
Graduated from Xi'an Conservatory of Music with a major in Erhu, Bachelor of Arts, Solo Performer of Chinese Folk Music Orchestra, Erhu Section Leader.

Erhu Teacher: Zhang Xin Phone: 832-756-6284 Email:
President and Conductor of Chinese Folk Music Orchestra, Artistic Director of the Huqin Section.

Wind Instruments

Flute/Suona Teacher: Li Zequan Phone: 713-828-7309
Wind Instrument Artist, proficient in traditional Chinese wind instruments like the Dizi, Xiao, and Suona, Artistic Director of the Chinese Folk Music Orchestra.

Plucked Instruments

Guzheng Teacher: Liu Yun
Master's degree in Music from the University of Oklahoma, Guzheng Soloist of the Chinese Folk Music Orchestra, Soloist, Piano Accompanist, and Assistant to the President.

【弦動春曉】2020新年音樂會 節目單


Erhu and Orchestra – Yangliuqing  Arr. Changyao Zhu

朱昌耀改編  二胡: 徐子騫  指揮: 張新

2. 廣東音樂:山鄉春早

Cantonese Music – Early Spring at Mountain Village

喬飛 高胡: 張紹平(特邀)

3, 中阮獨奏:幽遠的歌聲  

Zhong Ruan Solo – A Remote Song

陳文傑 中阮: 崔迪許暢  手鼓: 李采倩

4, 古筝合奏:光影如歌

Guzheng Ensemble – Melodies from the Silver Screen Comp. Le Liu  Arr.Yun Liu Tsai – Chien Lee



5, 大提琴合奏:望春風  鳳陽花鼓

Cello ensemble – Spring Breeze & The Flower Drum of Feng-Yang

Performance by Olive Chen Cello Studio

6, 江蘇民歌:無錫景

Chinese Folk song – Scenery Wuxi

劉韻 演唱  民樂隊 伴奏

7, 擊樂合奏:鴨子拌嘴 

Percussion ensemble – The Quarreling Ducks 

李采倩 趙濤 劉韻 朱怡寧 王逸心 李健禹 表演


8. 琵琶與擊樂:霸王卸甲

Pipa and Percussion – The Conqueror Unarms

琵琶:鍾宏  打擊樂:李采倩 朱怡寧 趙濤

9. 二胡獨奏:紅樓戀曲

Erhu solo – Love Song of Honglou

二胡:徐子騫  箏:劉韻

10. 手風琴獨奏:打虎上山

Accordion Solo – Climbing Tiger Mountain

手風琴: 葛耘暢

11, 筝獨奏:渔舟唱晚

Guzheng Solo – Fisherman’s Song at Dusk

婁樹華 曹正譯訂  古筝: 劉韻

12. 二胡與人聲:二泉映月

Erhu and Chorus – The Moon Mirrored in the Pool Comp. by Yanjun Hua Arr. Ji Xiao

華彥鈞曲  蕭楫改編 二胡: 許瑞慶  指揮: 張新

13. 女聲獨唱:問江南

Soprano – Memories of Jiang-nan Music Xiaoping Wu Lyric Xun Ge

葛遜詞 吳小平曲  虞曉梅演唱  指揮: 張新

14. 二胡與大提琴:菊花台(謝幕曲)

Erhu and Cello – Orchestra Chrysanthemum Terrace Comp. Jay Chou Arr. Xin Zhang

周杰倫   二胡: 許瑞慶  大提琴:Sonya Matoussova 指揮: 張新

{lang zh}照片:【月韵弦歌】2019 秋季音乐会{/lang}{lang en}Photos: 2019 Autumn Chinese Folk Concert{/lang}

{lang zh}照片:【月韵弦歌】2019 秋季音乐会{/lang}

{lang en}Photos: 2019 Autumn Chinese Folk Concert{/lang}

{gallery layout=fixed padding=0 margin=0 borderwidth=0 width=650 height=450 slider=boxplus.transition animation=5000}/20190914_JudeBudhaTemple{/gallery}